By AnDreea
Jan 22nd, 2019

Two years ago, Oona the Yorkie was attacked by a big dog. She ended up fighting for her life on a surgery table. I was miles away, just about to take the stage as a moderator at a writer’s conference. But luckily, Jerry Sargeant was awake and online. An hour later, Oona was standing on all her four, her tiny body wrapped in bandages, looking at the camera as if she wanted to reassure me she was not going anywhere.


Looking back, I’m not sure if she had survived if Jerry didn’t send her waves of loving healing energy. Because that’s what he knows to do best. Love every being with every fiber of his heart and soul and shed his bright light on us all. I can’t wait to meet Jerry again this February, at the Conscious Life Expo in LA. Until then, I’m happy to share with you a fragment of an interview we did for The Project of Love Vlog

There is a lot of talk about a shift in human consciousness. How do you feel about it?
Jerry Sargeant:
I feel at the moment, as a human species, we’re coming back together, our consciousness is expanding, we’re waking up, and we are starting to love each other more. In doing so, we are starting to become more conscious and we help the planet. But we’ve done so much damage to the planet that she still has a long way to go until she replenishes and regenerates properly.

How do you see the planet with your spiritual eyes? 
Jerry Sargeant: When I look at this planet, I see one stream of consciousness and light and that we’re all connected. But most people see separation. Everyone sees countries, and borders, and people and languages, and colors, and species when in truth we are one family. We just need to love each other more, that’s it.

How do you see people with your non-physical eyes? 
Jerry Sargeant:
Waves of energy, waves of lights, flowing everywhere. And it’s not even different waves of light, it’s just one big wave. There are places where those waves of light don’t flow in the right direction, and for me, when I’m doing my healing I just want to help those waves flow in the right direction. I see codes. Everything is binary code, geometry, hieroglyphs flowing through the waves of light. And that’s the truth beyond illusion.

The inner strength, the wisdom are embedded within each of us. You just need to find the strength to go for it. It’s not easy because this world is a game. And this game has been designed to keep you on the ground. So you’ve got to find that determination. connect with yourself, and discover your own power. And then you can step forward.

What is the role of self-love in this liberation process?
Jerry Sargeant: Self-love is the key. The golden key. If you don’t love yourself no one else is going to love you. And if you don’t love yourself, you can’t love other people. There is no separation. We are light manifested into human form, many different forms. You’re God, Universe, Spirit, whatever you want to call it. So am I, and everyone else in the room. So is the whole planet. If we begin to love ourselves then we can feel that inner wisdom and then that power can seep trough every pore of our physical being and then we can step forward.

You can find more details about Jerry Sargeant’s workshops at the Conscious Life Expo, here. With an impressive line-up of speakers such as Marianne Williamson, Erich von Daniken, Deborah King, Anita Moorjani, Nassim Haramein to name a few, Conscious Life Expo 2019 is a must-attend event for those who are ready to become conscious creators of their lifves and embody the energy of love in every word, gesture, and action.

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