What would I recommend to a 15 year old

By AnDreea
In Events
Jan 22nd, 2013

Believe in yourselfYesterday evening I went to the gym, like I always do on Mondays. I was in the locker room, preparing to change when a very nice lady came to me and asked where she could buy “Four Doors and Other Stories.”

“It’s for my son”, she told me. “He is 15 years old and he wants to read your book.”

You can’t possibly imagine my face. It was shiny with joy, shinier than the sun itself. And not because of here I was, selling one more ebook, but because a young man whom I never met, was interested in reading my creation. Just as much as he was interested in reading “Twilight” and “Harry Potter”, his mum added. The big ones, you know!

I confess that when I wrote the stories, I did not have a particular audience in my mind. I also didn’t imagine that my writing would appeal to teenagers. I suppose that neither did Alexandre Dumas, when he put down on paper ‘The Three Musketeers’, a book which I red when I was 10. I loved every page and, against all odds, fell in love with Athos, not D’Artagnan.

My 15 old reader might start with ‘THE LEATHER BELT’. I’m sure he has a cool dad – unlike the one in the story, and I know he has a great mother, like the one in the story. He might find himself to be a bit more rebellious and vocal than the main character, a teenager who, lacking courage to confront his father, takes out of his parent’s leather belt.He enjoys reading, therefore he must have a tender soul and love animals. “THE ELEPHANT” is my next recommendation. He might enjoy the bond between the animals and children as well as the fantastic trip to India. “THE ENCHANTED SLEDGE” might give him a hint about what real romantic love between a woman and a man looks like and quench his thirst for the miraculous whilst “THE SISTERS” might put a smile on his face, making him think about the prettiest two girls in his high – school. Even the PIANIST might ring a bell because someone’s fascination with an instrument or an occupation is recognisable from a tender age.

What else can I tell you, dear 15 year old boy? At some point in your life, you will surely meet a girl who will arouse you like no other (like the girl in ‘THE RETURN’), you will meet at least one complex person who will be your mirror and help you know yourself (like the teacher in FOUR DOORS). You will have a revelation, seeing how wonderful your mother is (A MOTHER), you will want to find out your true meaning in life (like the heroine in DREAMING) and probably wish the girl next to you understands and appreciates you for who you are (THE SPANIARD).

Last, but not least, my wish to you: live your life as if it was a very pleasant and funny and merry journey into the unknown. You might learn it from the tiny man in THE POSTMAN STORY!

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