Lady In Red

By AnDreea
In Events
Jan 9th, 2013

Today I’ve been a model for a couple of hours. Avantaje, one of the most successful and enduring Romanian women glossy magazines, made me a great surprise and honour by  including me among the 30  gorgeous, talented and successful Romanian women chosen to inspire the readers.

I chose a red dress, created by my dear friend Kinga Varga, with feathered shoulders because red is, after all, a symbol of love. Feathers make me think about angels, about the unseen creatures who are always beside us, guiding and helping.

Thus, helped by a team of professionals-  hair-stylist, make-up artist and  photographer I became lady in red. Such a great feeling! Made me remember the days when I was a TV host and had to pass by the make-up room before going on the set.  Those were moments of relaxation and joy, the moments when I took my  time to take a step back from the show that was about to be captured by the camera or broadcast live, look at it as if projected in advance on a big screen, and make some final, minor adjustments. The moments when energy was starting filling me up, an eagerness to appear in front of the people and give them my best. Now, it goes the same with the stories I write.

Whenever I start typing a new piece on my computer, I keep in mind that  I have a mission to accomplish. To empower the readers, to move them to find  the real potential in their lives. No matter the colour of my dress. Only today, it was red!

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